Sacred Intimacy Sessions

Enter a sacred space where Sensual Connection becomes a form of prayer. Your body is the temple. Your sensuality is the song that invites your Spirit home to play.

Sacred Intimacy is the radical practice of embracing the body and its sensual desires as holy, divine, and deserving of deep honoring through undivided presence and attention. By exploring our eroticism within a container of deep acceptance, we open the gateway for profound knowledge of self to become the foundation for enhanced intimacy with others.

When we recognize the divinity within each person we encounter, we allow our spirits freedom to meet and explore without agenda or expectation, opening the way for profound sexual healing to take place in unimaginable ways.

Intimacy Sessions are considered a Pink Tantra practice with elements of Red Tantra and Dark Tantra woven in. This means the focus is on accessing deep connection with yourself, your own body, and your own connection to source, and extending this energetic awareness to enhance your sensual connection with an intimate partner

Sessions incorporate Intuitive Spiritual & Relationship Guidance, Transformational Embodiment Techniques, Connective Intimacy Practices, Healing Full-body Touch, and Conscious Kink Practices to help you uncover, discover, and embrace all the parts of yourself that are longing to be seen, held, touched and shared with another.

We all want to be seen, heard and accepted as we are, so whatever is alive inside of us can feel safe to come out and play.