A glimpse into my inner worlD
Writing is one of my favorite forms of meditation and creation. Nothing gives me more joy than to weave words into messages encoded with the awareness and energy of what I am processing on a deeply personal and collective level.
What is a zine, you may ask? It’s a “noncommercial often homemade or online publication usually devoted to specialized and often unconventional subject matter” (Marriam-Webster)…well, this certainly qualifies since what I choose to write about is unconventional to say the least. In fact, I take tremendous pleasure in allowing my writing to be a true representation of exactly how unconventional my life is and how dynamic my inner world has become since I started allowing myself to walk the edges of unsanctioned desire.
Below are selections of passionate personal expressions channeled through writing, poetry, and photography.
My Journey to Tantra
Consciousness Orgasms & My Big Nahk-O
One of the first questions that people love to ask me is why I got into the field of Tantra, Conscious Sexuality and Sacred Embodiment to begin with. I enjoy offering a variety of different responses to this question. Read more
Roots & Resilience
What lights my fire and stirs my passion
One aspect of my journey with which I constantly struggle is how to stay informed about what’s happening in the larger arena while still maintaining a sense of resiliency and passion for life. Nature is what inspires me to get up every morning to continue to dance with the forces of creation and destruction. Read more
Body & Nature
Loving the Skin I’m In
Eco-sexuality is, at its core, the idea of not only embracing the Earth as our Mother, but as our Lover. This shift in mindset allows us to enter into a deeper, more harmonious relationship with Nature in which we understand the give-and-take of energetic exchange as something sacred to be revered. On my journey to loving my body more deeply, I have found that embracing nature goes hand-in-hand with accepting myself in whatever form I show up from day to day. Read more
True Power & Its Purpose
Why I Do What I Do
One of the greatest obstacles we face along our journey is fear of what others would think if we dared to be fully authentic. It is exactly this fear that holds so many of us back from living in alignment with our greatest truth and bringing our magic forth in full force. It is in feeling this fear yet choosing to walk our paths anyway that we truly come to know our power. Read more
From Enlightenment to Embodiment
What Does It Mean to Be Embodied?
What is the actual significance of the term and why is it so important? Being embodied is about allowing our awareness to be fully grounded in our bodies so that we can be present in the moment as creation unfolds. By practicing embodiment, we can enhance our life-force as well as our capacity to feel authentically from moment to moment…Read more
By Water’s Edge
Water Purification & Elemental Healing
The Elements (Air, Water, Fire, Earth & Spirit) are here to aid our on-going process of purification and replenishment to help keep our bodies and life-force vital and flowing. Although I consider myself a servant of Gaia, the Earth Goddess, my primary element is water. I go to the waters anytime I feel stuck or stagnant in my life and creations. Water never fails to bring me peace, inspiration, and a reminder of how to flow with life’s deep emotions. Read more
Blessed is the fruit
Artwork “The Creation of Man” Natalie Lennard
Honoring He Whom Honors She
Having been raised as a member of the Catholic Church, I always appreciated the presence of Mary as a representation of the Goddess. Her Sacred Feminine presence gave me comfort and a sense of belonging that softened the harsh teachings of the Church, which often made me feel undeserving of God’s love and therefore disconnected from the love of the Divine Masculine. As I’ve grown older, my connection to Mary has remained, and what has also developed is a deep appreciation for Joseph as a calm, supportive father presence and worthy counterpart who often gets overlooked. On Christmas 2019, I awoke with the inspiration to write this piece to honor the Sacred Masculine who stands as a supportive partner for the Goddess of Life. Read more
Enter the Temple
Healing the Wounds of the Soldier Returned
Many who walk the Tantric path remember a time when the Sexual Priestess was honored and revered for her power to take the war out of men. We believe there was a time long forgotten when men returning home from war would go to the temples for healing before going home to their wives, families and community. This was culturally sanctioned, and the priestesses would use the power of their nourishing presence and magnetic womb portal to help soldiers heal from the traumas of war. I see many returned veterans in my work, and I feel deep resonance with this sacred role that priestesses have played for aeons. Read more
Wisdom Keepers
We Are the Ones
I believe each of us carries a unique bed of wisdom that our soul carried with us into this life from other dimensions as a part of our soul mission to help heal one another and the planet. The path of Tantric Spirituality has helped me tap into these other dimensions, where I’ve journeyed in sacred remembering to the lifetimes when I vigorously trained in preparation for this one. Read more
Shadow Love
Ode to My Inner Succubus
Shadow work is one of the aspects of the Tantric path that I have found to be the most powerful transformative practice. By exploring and embracing the aspects of ourselves that we consider as so unloveable we try to push them into the shadows, we often find the keys to our unique gifts and personal power. Read more