Scholarship Applications

Are you ready to make a big shift in your life?

Are you in search of guidance to help you hone in on what's no longer working and what areas of your spiritual and sexual life need attention?

Are you committed to your growth journey and ready to do whatever it takes to bring you into greater alignment, mind, body and soul?

Are you a biological woman, a member of the LGBTQI+ Community, someone who has been historically oppressed on account of your racial heritage, a person who lives with neurological diversity, an individual who makes under 50k a year or a couple that makes under 80k a year, active military, or is there some other way you feel you've experienced marginalization or adversity in your life that's contributed to a need for greater financial consideration?

A Scholarship may be the pathway to getting you the support and guidance you need right here and right now, wherever you are on your journey.

To qualify for a scholarship, you must take the time to really sit with the questions outlined in the application, and respond to them in depth.

These questions are as much designed to help you get clear on where you are and what kind of support you need to move forward as they are to give me a sense of what kind of assistance you may benefit from.